Gr 7 English

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement, and the thrill of creative effort."

Franklin D. Roosevelt  

A message from your teacher

I would like to welcome everybody to grade 7 English webpage. I am so excited about this new page where further learning can take place and all your beautiful minds can continue to grow. All the work loaded on this page is for you to do at home in your own time. I know that your parents love to help you, but please try to work through these activities by yourself , as that is how you learn and grow.  All work may be done in workbook 1 (Language) and workbook 2 (Literature). If you are unable to work in your book, please do activities neatly on exam paper. Please make sure all your activities are dated and are given a heading as always. Make sure you always work neatly, even if you are working at home, this is how you avoid making mistakes. You must do all the activities  in order, starting with activity one. 

If you have any questions about activities posted on this site please ask me via email.

I hope you enjoy working through these activities that have been set out for you. There are some fun activities along the way so make sure you work through all the activities to get to them. 

Sending you love and light always!

Ms Roelofse

English language skills can be broken up into 4 categories

Listening and Speaking

Reading and Viewing

Writing and Presenting

Language Structures and Conventions 

These skills are mastered over time, 

the more you practice and the more effort you put into your work, 

the better you will become!

Reading questions and instructions carefully is essential. When doing creative writing the writing process must also be followed. 

Planning - Drafting - Editing - Publishing

We are all human, we make mistakes, it's how we fix those mistakes that is important, that is how we improve and grow becoming better in 

the 4 English categories.  


The difference between Parts of Speech and Figures of Speech

Parts of Speech

Part of Speech Definition:

Part of speech is a class of words based on their exact function in English. It is what they do in a sentence, depending on their function. 

Parts of speech are usually used in Language

Figures of Speech

Figure of Speech Definition:

Figure of speech is a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for vivid effect. There is a “hidden meaning” for what is being read. This type of speech is often used in poetry and creative writing.

Figures of speech are usually used in Literature 


Language are words that are assigned to a specific function, they make up everyday speech in English.


Literature is written work, this is where you can show your artistic side using skills of figurative language to enhance your piece of work.

Word of the Week

Each Monday in English we explore a new word of the week. Our reason for doing this is to expand our vocabulary and introduce us to a wide range of beautiful words that we can use when we speak and to apply them them to our activities to create mature pieces of work.

Below is a list of the words and definitions, you can continue at the back of work book 2 with your Word of the Week list. Once the word and definition has been copied down, it must be used in 3 different sentences that show your understanding of the word.   

word of the week PDF.pdf

Once you understand the above concepts you should be able to complete all activities that will be posted in this site. Remember to also refer back to your workbooks and English Study Guide to assist you further. You may even use Google to assist you if necessary. 

All activities are numbered 

so you can keep track of where you are! 

Please enjoy yourself and let your creativity run wild. 

(Remember to do all activities in order)


INSTRUCTIONS: You were asked to read a novel of your choice at home that is at least 100 pages. On completion of this novel you need to do a book review on the book you have read. You were instructed to complete this task on exam paper. If you do use your book it will be a workbook 2 activity.

Rockin' Book Review.pdf


INSTRUCTIONS: You will be exploring and creating two different types of poems for this activity. Poetry is part of literature, so this activity will be done in workbook 2. You will learn about two different types of poems and then write your own poems following the guidelines.


A Limerick is amusing verses, they are humorous and funny. a Limerick follows a specific rhyming pattern (aabba) and rhythm. The rhythm can be achieved by trying to make the syllables also match according to the aabba pattern, so the same amount of syllables in lines 1, 2 and 5, and same syllables in lines 3 and 4. 



A haiku is a syllable poem. It does not rhyme. This type of poem comes from Japan and is often about subjects taken from nature, but it does not have to be. It is made up of 3 lines:

The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 and the third line has 5 again. (5-7-5)


Once you understand the concepts and rules of these two poems you will need to create your own Limerick and your own Haiku. Poetry is a form of feelings and expressions so your topic for both poems is Corona Virus and the lockdown, I know we are all experiencing many emotions at this time. Use your sense of humour to create your Limerick, then use your deeper emotion about the situation to form a meaningful Haiku.

ACTIVITY THREE- Synonyms and Antonyms


INSTRUCTIONS: This is a fun activity to test your speed! We all know that synonyms are words with the same meaning, and antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. Below is a list of words under the heading synonyms and another list under the heading antonyms. 

Before you start you will need to write both lists down in your workbook 1 (this is a language activity). 

You then need to set yourself a timer, when the time starts you will need to think of a word that is the same as the synonym and jot it down as quickly as you can next to the listed word,work your way down and complete the whole list. Don't forget to stop your timer after you think of the last synonym!  Record your time in your book.

Next you need to do the same for antonyms. Start your timer, think of all the antonyms for the words down the list and at the end stop the timer and see how fast you were. Record that time as well.

Let the time challenge begin!

After you have recorded your times get your other family members at home to also do the challenge. Find out who the champion is in your house!


Just a tip before you start. If you can't think of a word, quickly use it in a sentence and then replace the word, it will flow.

A synonym for old?

That lady is old.

That lady is... ancient!

Synonym list  (Same meaning)























Antonym list (opposite meaning)




















ACTIVITY FOUR- Creative Writing

INSTRUCTIONS: You will be practicing your narrative essay skills. You need to follow the writing process when doing your essay (Planning, draft one, editing and then your final draft). Please remember that ALL PLANNING is done in pencil. Your mindmap has 5 sections: Beginning, middle, ending, characters and figurative language. Only your final draft is done neatly in pen. This activity will be done in workbook 2 and you may write in print instead of cursive if you prefer. Your essay needs to be between 150-200 words. You strictly need to be within that range. Please consider using figurative language skills in your essay to produce a captivating piece of creative work. 

 Please also refer to the rubric when planning your essay so you know what is expected of you.

Narrative Essay Guidelines

·A narrative essay tells a story or gives an account of events. It has a plot or story line and sometimes it has a moral. 

·The introduction indicates the time and the setting of the story, a clear picture in the reader's mind; it also introduces the main character or characters in a detailed description using figurative language skills. The opening paragraph is gripping, detailed and essential.

·The body (middle) contains the development or complication of the plot.  This is the climax or high point of the story. It needs to make the reader invest in the story and want to read more.

·Characters are limited yet very detailed. The reader should be able to visualise them clearly and even relate to them.

·Dialogue can be used but sparingly.

·It is usually narrated in the past tense by the 1st or 3rd person. (I, me or he, she)

·A satisfactory resolution/conclusion (Ending) ties up loose ends and can also include a moral to the story. 

Analyze the picture below and use it as the topic for your essay.

Essay Rubric.pdf

ACTIVITY FIVE- Types of Nouns

INSTRUCTIONS: This is a language activity, so it will be done in workbook 1. There are 5 different types of nouns listed below. You need to copy the definitions for each type of noun into your workbook. Once you have done so you will need to write sub headings for each noun and list 5 examples of that noun below the sub heading. You are just listing the words for the 5 examples, you do not need to write sentences.

Common Noun: A common noun is something you can see and touch. It is a class of objects, names given to ordinary objects. Eg. It is her book. 

Proper Noun: Proper nouns are the names given to people, places, days and months. Educational subjects are also proper nouns. Any titles of movies and books are also proper nouns as well as common nouns that are named. Remember these nouns always start with a capital letter. Eg. On Monday I went with my English class to see the movie Jack and the Bean Stalk. (articles do not get a capital)

Abstract Noun: These nouns cannot be seen, touched or measured. As opposed to a common noun that is concrete. Abstract nouns are often feelings or emotions. Abstract nouns can be given but “not in a box”. Eg. that girl is so full of joy.

Collective Nouns: A collective noun is a name of a group of objects, people or creatures. As soon as nouns are grouped the nouns get a special name known as their collective noun. Eg.

A flight of stairs

A gaggle of geese

A string of pearls

Compound nouns: Compound nouns can be written in 3 ways: 

1.Open compounds, written as 2 words. Eg. traffic lights 

2.Closed compounds, joined together. Eg. doorknob

3.Hyphenated compounds, joined together using a hyphen. Eg. long-term

Remember once you have copied down definitions you will think of 

5 of your own examples for each type of noun.

ACTIVITY SIX- Instructions and Directions

Fun Activity!

INSTRUCTIONS: Ladies and gentlemen its time to dance! The first thing you will need to do is find a song that you like-please no inappropriate music. Make sure you can play the song on repeat because you will need to pause it and play it many times. You are going to choreograph a dance to your song. Making a dance for the whole song may be difficult, so you can use a certain part in the song or the chorus to make your dance. In workbook 2 you will need to write down step by step instructions or directions for your dance, you may do this activity in pencil first because you will be erasing and changing things quiet a bit as your dance comes together with the music you choose, also indicate what song you choose in your workbook. You will need to be as vivid as possible when you write your steps. Number your steps behind the margin and write in a list form (each step on a new line).    

Example of dance instructions and directions (use this as a guide)

Follow these steps:

1.Right arm up

2.Left arm up

3.Clap hands 3 times above your head

4.Hands on hips

5.Bend knees and then straighten

6.Point right toe 

7.Point left toe 

8.Jump, feet together

9.Bend knees and straighten

10.Roll right shoulder back

11.Roll left shoulder back

12.Clap hands 3 times

13.Slowly finish with a “dab” 


Now do it again, but sing the song twinkle twinkle while you dance.

1.Twinkle- right arm up

2.Twinkle- left arm up

3.Little star- clap hands 3 times above your head

4.How I wonder- hands on hips

5.What you are- bend your knees then straighten

6.Up above- point right toe

7.The word so high- point left toe

8.Like a diamond- jump feet together

9.In the sky- bend knees and straighten

10.Twinkle- roll right shoulder back

11.Twinkle- roll left shoulder back

12.Little star- clap hands 3 times

13.How I wonder what you are- slowly finish with a “dab” 

Now its time to show off your moves, once you have written down your dance and you are happy it suits your song you chose its performance time. Get the members of your house to sit back, relax and enjoy the show. If you have siblings, teach them the dance too and they can even perform with you.

Lastly, get your mom or dad to write a comment in your book under your dance steps, like they were a judge on a talent show, their comment must state what they thought about your dance performance!

Good luck my little Rock Stars!

I also want to see some of these moves when we get back to school.

ACTIVITY SEVEN-Comprehension

INSTRUCTIONS: You will need to read the article PLANTS AND PEOPLE and then answer the questions that follow. This activity will be done in workbook 1. You do not need to copy down the story or the questions, ONLY THE ANSWERS into your book. Please use full sentences when answering your questions and number each answer correctly.

Plants and People

1.We eat plants every day. We walk into a store and buy potatoes, onions, beans and tomatoes. We eat bread that comes from wheat. We eat cereals made from corn, oats or rice. We eat fruits picked from trees, vines and bushes. Our salads consist of crisp green leaves of plants.

2. Human life depends on plants… This would still be true if people ate no plants at all. They might eat only lamb, beef or chicken, but the animals which this meat comes need plants to eat. If there were no plants in the world, there would be no meat for people to eat. Suppose we ate only fish. Lots of fish eaten by us eat other fish smaller than themselves. But the smallest fish live on tiny water animals and plants. If there were no plants, we couldn’t even stay on a fish diet. In the end all our food depends on plants.

3.How did people learn to eat plants? How did they come to grow certain plants instead of others? When were they first used and who used them? Did our food plants always look the way they do now?

4.When we try to find the answers to these questions, we learn something about the history of man. Man could not have developed without plants used as food.

5.The first men hunted animals and gathered wild plants for food. For 40 000 years they tried every plant they found. They tasted the roots of one and the stems of another. They tried everything, from the berries to the roots under the ground to the leaves and even the seeds! They learnt which tasted good and which were bitter. They learnt which plants kept  them healthy and which plants made them sick.

6.Four hundred thousand years is a long time. It’s hard to imagine that much time. Yet in all that time these early men only gathered the food they found growing wild as they wondered from place to place. It was thousands more years before they learnt to use seeds and grow their own food. At first they didn’t know that if they planted a seed in the ground, it would grow into a new plant. Nobody knows just when or where or even how people learnt this. All we know is that men finally did begin to plant seeds and to care for the growing plants until they could be used as food. This raising of plants – called agriculture – started only about ten thousand years ago. 

7.When agriculture started, people began to settle down in one place to grow their own food. They began to live in groups and to build villages.

8.As soon as people began raising plants, they also began improving them. They saved the best seeds to plant the next year. We still do this today. For example, in Mexico, the gather the best ears of corn. From different fields and keep them in a special place for the next years planting.

9.Because of this most of our food plants changed. Weak and unhealthy plants were weeded out. Slowly  the plants changed and became juicier, sweeter and more delicious. Many of them now look different from the way they did in the beginning.  

10.The idea of growing plants for food spread all over the world. People still travelled. They moved from one country to another. They crossed rivers and mountains. They took with them the plants that they had learned to use for food. As they met new people in new lands, they learnt about other plants. They traded seeds. It’s no wonder it’s difficult for us to find the early history of our food plants. Most plants were scattered through all the known lands of the earth long ago and there are now written records to tell us about them. There are lots of facts and history regarding this myth… reading is power when it comes to knowing more.

Answer the following questions using full sentences 

1.  Where does bread come from? (2)

2.  What is the antonym of healthy in paragraph 5? (2)

3.  What do we call the “raising of plants”? (2)

4.  What two things did people cross when they travelled with plants? (2)

5.  Explain why plants are needed to survive?(2)

6.  What do you think the outcome was of eating poisonous plants?(2)

7.  What is meant by the phrase “reading is power”?(2)

8.  What is the result of saving the best seeds to plant the next year? (2)

9.  What would you do if you discovered a new type of food plant? (2)

10. Do you think that keeping seeds for the next years planting really improves the quality of corn in Mexico? Support your answer. (2)



ACTIVITY EIGHT- Descriptive Essay   


You will need to watch the video lesson about essays

INSTRUCTIONS: You will need to watch the video lesson about essays. You are then required to write your first descriptive essay. You need to follow the writing process when doing your essay (Planning, draft one, editing and then your final draft). Please remember that ALL PLANNING is done in pencil. Your mindmap has 7 sections: Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch/feel, character (Yourself) and figurative language. Only your final draft is done neatly in pen. This activity will be done in workbook 2 and you may write in print instead of cursive if you prefer. Your essay needs to be between 150-200 words. You strictly need to be within that range. Please consider using figurative language skills in your essay to produce a captivating piece of creative work. 

 Please also refer to the rubric when planning your essay so you know what is expected of you.

Descriptive Essay Guidelines

·A descriptive essay is simply an essay that describes something or someone by appealing to their sense.

·These senses are the 5 senses of: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch/feel.

·A descriptive essay paints a clear picture for the reader using descriptive words and senses.

·This type of essay does not follow a story line, but rather describes what it would be like to be in a situation physically. 

·Your conclusion will not contain a moral to the story (There is no story) however your conclusion must still be relevant and logical to your essay.

Analyze the picture below and use it as the topic for your essay.

I have chosen the same picture as the video, this is your first time writing a descriptive essay so by using the same topic it should help you even further to create your essays. this does not mean you copy my examples, but rather formulate your own essay around your senses when eating an apple.

Descriptive Essay Rubric.docx

ACTIVITY NINE- Free Verse Poetry


You will need to watch the video lesson about free verse poetry

INSTRUCTIONS: You will need to watch the video lesson about free verse poetry. This is literature so it is a workbook 2 activity. You are going to write your own free verse poem. The length of the poem is up to you. Remember to use your knowledge of Figurative Language to help you construct your poem. You can decide on the topic of your poem, think of something you are passionate about, something that you feel strongly would make a good topic for your poem. Even though this is a free verse poem, try your best to link each line together so that your finished product makes sense.   

I would love to read some of your free verse poems, 

please feel free to email me your poems so I can also enjoy them!



The next activity will be loaded shortly.